Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm starting to get impatient and totally excited, well i was always excited but impatient is more it.  I just want it to happen already so i can be happy again.  I'm happy, but not the "happy" that i want to be.  I have a phone call to make tomorrow to Dr. Felix, and then i'm sure since the Seminar's are on Tuesdays they will have me attend the seminar this tuesday.  Which is fine.  The more information i can get, the better off i'll be. 

Let's get the party started already! LOL!!!

I was thinking about how they have to staple your stomach up after the surgery and I was like "i wonder what that will be like?" I've never had surgery before in my life.  I wonder if i'll be sore.  If i'll be able to walk around and sit down without my stomach hurting. I know, weird thoughts, but hey, it crossed my mind! LOL!