Monday, October 26, 2009

A little stressed about tomorrow...

Tomorrow is the day i finish it all up.  I have butterflies in my tummy because I'm sooo excited.  Thus, on the down side of things, i have no idea how my doctor will react to my wanting gastric bypass or if she'll say okay to writing the clearance letter.  It's merely just a statement actually.  It's not even required by the surgeon he's already approved me, but it IS required by my insurance.  Anthem Blue Cross.

The doctor appointment is tomorrow at 8:45am, then I have the psych evaluation tomorrow as well but at 11am.  I'm less worried about that.  I know i don't have any eating disorders to worry about other than that of overeating.

Then PRAYING that all goes well and everything is a smooth process.  They submit my paperwork to my insurance and we wait.  Once i get an approval from them, i contact Dr. Felix's office and they call me back with my surgery date.  Ohhh.... sooo excited.

Never has one ever been so excited for SURGERY.  I mean, yes, people get surgery all the time, and believe me...i bet it's something they dread.  I, on the other hand, although going under the "knife" and getting surgery for the FIRST time in my life, it's to SAVE my life.  Help me become healthy again and to teach me to eat right and better for the sake of all things.  I will be so happy once it's all over with.

Granted, i have been forewarned.  Everyone tells me that right after surgery you will complain or at least panic and say to yourself "OhMyGoodness! What have i done to myself?" and wonder what on Earth you were thinking, but after day three you'll start feeling better.

I've also been warned that one must DEFINITELY bring ear plugs to the hospital with them as a NECESSITY.  A friend of mine had the surgery and couldn't sleep a wink in the hospital due to the IV machines expiring and making a HORRIBLE beeping sound.  Something i cannot handle.  I can't sleep with the TV on, much less a repetitive and annoying beeping noise. 

So, if you are considering surgery or in the process.....

consider yourself warned as well.  :)

If i may make one last request from my friends/family:  Can you please pray for me tomorrow?  I will be so worried and I need to have a sound mind.  I need to be able to go into the Doctor's office and get what i need to get THAT day.  Without having to wait a week or more for her to fax over a "sentence" on a piece of paper.  Please pray.  I really need your prayers for tomorrow.

Thanks so much to all of you who are such wonderful people in my life, friends, all know who you are.  If you are reading this ARE one of those people.  :)

Take care,