Sunday, November 1, 2009

Recap on Halloween Night Party

So, last night was the Halloween party at my sister's house.  That was fun.  About 15 people showed up, so small part but lots of fun.

The night started out good, got there early to help Pamela (my sister) get her party stuff together and help decorate.

David dressed up before we left at like 3:30.  LOL! He decided to be a "hillbilly" if you have ever seen the movie "Joe Dirt" well, that's pretty much what David looked like, it was HYSTERICAL!  He bought the mullet the ugly teeth, and even a flannel shirt and we cut it up. What you can't see is i drew a "superman" fake tattoo on his left arm in permanent black marker.  LOL!  He also had his pants rolled up so they were "flooders" and had flip flops on.  HAHAHA!

This is him in all his get-up for Halloween:
(almost scared to post this...LOL!)

Yes, i'm with this crazy guy... LOL!

When we got there, i was trying to figure out where to park and I saw Keith (my brother-in-law) outside looking through his truck for something, so I stopped my car on the other side of his truck.  Apparently he couldn't really see my car and all he could see was David (dressed up like you see in the above picture) he said his first initial thought was "oh great! Don't tell me these trashy people need directions.." LOL! Too funny!

I help Pamela decorate the house a bit and put the food trays out, then my sister decides that we should do our hair dye now, before people start showing up.  I had bought BLACK spray in dye for your hair that just washes out....HA! WASHES OUT!? Yeah, but MESSY!!! That's not ANYWHERE on the stupid label.  LOL

So I go to brush my hair out and due to my having naturally curly hair it's UNBEARABLE! I can't handle the pain of ripping my hair out and it was as stiff as a board.  So i was like "I have to take a shower...this HAS to get out of my hair"....BIG mistake. I wash it out only to find that the black dye has now run down all over my face, all over my body and when i got out of the shower i was SUPER red all over from scrubbing the crap out of myself to try and get all the black off of me.

I only had my face painted and had a red boa on because I didn't have a whole lot of money this year due to saving up money for surgery so i had to just leave my hair wet and work on painting my face after I got out of the shower. Which, wasn't easy to do alone.  People were starting to show up and I was panicking because i couldn't seem to get ready fast enough LOL.  I started shaking which didn't help with the makeup appliance.  HAHA!  Finally, i finished it up.  I had Pamela come and help me put the CRAZY glittery fake eyelashes on.  I've NEVER worn fake eyelashes around before so it was definitely FUNKY! I felt like i had super heavy eyelids and with every movement i made and with every light on in the room i was catching glimpses of glitter above my eyes.  Overall, the party was a blast and I was happy with my face painting.  hehe

Here was the final project:

I hope everyone had a GREAT Halloween! :)