Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This is just because....

It's raining like crazy outside today, this is more rain than i think i've seen all year just in ONE day.  LOL!  I love it! 

It's nice to have rain like this, when you're indoors of course, but outdoors - not-so-much!  LOL! 

Last night, i was in a "downer" mood.  Not sure why.  Feelings were just all over the place.  I guess it's because I miss home.  I miss my cat.  I miss my own bed. 

I literally woke up every hour last night and it took me about 30 - 60 minutes each time to go to sleep so sometimes i was awake for almost two hours.  It was ridiculous.  I don't know why i couldn't sleep.  I woke up this morning, totally exhausted and just no energy.  I also woke up with a stiff back, i think it's because i'm on a different bed other than my own at my grandparents house.  So all day, while sitting in the chair or walking around i've had this horrible stiff back issue that's driving me crazy. 

I need a massage. more thing i can look forward to when i lose weight.  There is NO way i'll ever go get a massage from someone public at the weight i'm at now.  haha 

I also miss Lucky and Ollie (my fiance's cats) i haven't been over much to see them.

Goodness, i have the screen door closed but the slider door open right now and not to change subject but it sounds like it's going to flood out there or something.  Craziness! 

I need knew windsheild wipers...haha well hopefully it won't be this bad tomorrow night when i drive home.  It's about 30 minutes away from home so i'll have a long drive with crappy windsheild wipers.

And, i think i'm done blabbing on and on now.  :) 

Take care everyone!