Saturday, November 7, 2009

A little off subject...

Today, i went to take a state test to get a job.  For lack of them not searching for the "type" of job it is and reading this, i have decided to leave the title I applied for "unknown" so I can say what I think.

Overall, I wasn't that nervous.  I got a little nervous when it was time to go in and take the test, BUT there were only 4 of us there TOTAL.  I was surprised, especially with unemployment rates as high as they are currently.

I decided that I was just going to "breathe" and do the best I can, that's all i can do anyways.  The worst that can happen is I fail the test.  I hope though, that I didn't fail because I would love to have a job doing "what i applied for".  ;)

Most of the test was grammar stuff.  That was a simple task for me.

It was ninety questions total and we had two hours to complete the test.  It's been so long since I've taken a "scan-tron" test.  LOL!  I managed to fill the bubbles in correctly though.  Honestly, anyone who decides that they should "check mark" a bubble on a scan-tron test is a total dummy.  My apologizes; but if you read directions then you should have no problem what-so-ever filling in a scan-tron form.  It specifically states that you are to completely and neatly fill in the bubble and gives you examples of what's correct and incorrect.

Anyways, back on track.  The proctor starts reading off instructions from a piece of paper in front of her.  One of the instructions said to "open our test booklets and read only the first two pages and do not turn the page to the third page".  Fair enough.  She stops reading and does a bit of a head nod for us to be able to read the instructions.  Mind you, this is two pages long.  It's no paragraph or sentence for that matter.  I barely get to sentence three and she's already reading something else off of her instructions list about what to do after the test and what-not.  She obviously really hated being there on a Saturday morning.  I started thinking, 'Really!? Was she kidding?  I don't know what kind of a person she is, but if she's THAT skilled I'll most definitely walk out of this test since I'm obviously out of my comfort zone.'

How can one person possible reading two pages of instructions and KNOW what they are reading while listening to another set of instructions.  I'm all for multitasking but THIS was a little much.  I smiled, and listened.  I realized that the instructions were mostly about how to take the test (the instrucations I was said to 'read'), which, if i recall, it's not all that hard.  Pretty self explanatory.  I opted for listening to her "what to do afterwords" instructions.  LOL!

I started the test.  The silence was almost too loud.  Yes, i know, an oxymoron?  ha,ha.  The sound of pencil's filling in the bubbles was also a bit unnerving, I was sure my A.D.D was going to get the best of me and I would read a sentence and then five more times over until I was able to focus.  THANKFULLY though, something just clicked.  I read the first question and almost laughed.  These were soo easy.  I think the other three people there were getting a little nervous at how quickly I was answering the questions.  What can i say?  Grammar, spelling and punctuation are just my thing.

I notice I'm flipping the pages awfully fast and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should slow down a little?  No!  I got this! :)  I continue.


a screeching halt......................MATH!  My worst enemy.

I was all for answering the questions on the math portion but knew that that just might ruin my chances of ever passing this test....... until....a calculator?  I noticed out of the corner of my eye, there on the table sitting next to me, was a supply.  A calculator!  I was a bit hesitant to pick the calculator up.  Almost as if it was a sin, or as if the "proctor" would come by and slap by hand and tell me I automatically failed for using it.  BUT, it was supplied to us.  Everyone had one next to them.  I'm not BRILLIANT but I'm not idiot, if you suck at math and have access to a calculator, you USE it for Heaven sakes! :)  I did just that.  THANK YOU CALCULATOR!

I looked up, at the proctor, everyone else had their heads still buried in their test booklets and I said "i give this to you, right?" she said, "you're done?" with a surprised look on her face as though I just guessed my way through everything.  I said "yes, so i give this to you, and is that it?  Or do I need to do something else?" She replied, "nope, that's it.  You're free to go."  Yay!  RELIEF! I was done!

Holy cow!  All my years of struggling through high school because I just wasn't that great at it.  I finally was able to pull myself together, take a TEST (of ALL things!) and be the first to finish it.

I'm sorry to brag or sound arrogant, but this is a milestone (per-say) for me.  I have never been the VERY first to finish a test before.  I knew i was good with grammar and spelling, but my goodness, the BEST out of all four of us?  Okay, so I know four isn't much, but hey, I was still the best or well, the FASTEST!  LOL!

I will know if I passed the test in 4-8 weeks.  I can't say that I whizzed through the test knowing everything because granted, some of the questions on there were just plain difficult.  I found myself questioning my own answers, but remembered that the best policy is always to follow your first choice and not second-guess yourself.  So i didn't.  I just pray that I passed that test and I'll soon be offered a job with the state.  That would be absolutely WONDERFUL! :)

Thanks for the time in reading this, I hope you laughed a little.  Today's testing was quite humorous.