Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Icky Truth...

I find myself laughing right now and trying to "train" myself to be calm after surgery is done because my family seems to think I'll be freaking out and crying a lot.  I probably will.  I need a break from that though, after all my stomach will be working a LOT different after that and I've never had surgery of ANY kind so I'm sure I'll be a bit in a state of shock.  LOL! 

Parents keep saying stuff like "we don't want you to start panicking after surgery, or crying and freaking out..." okay, fine.  I'll just pretend i'm fine.  Even though my insides have been re-routed and cut up, yeah, that's SIMPLE! LOL!

I know what they are talking about, they just don't want me to complain.  Fine, fair enough.  I'll complain to myself after surgery because i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need to "whine" or "cry" about something afterwords, it's no crime. 

Then again, I'm a pretty tough girl sometimes and I can handle things pretty good, even major things.  After all, i did pretty much break my foot (i think, or broke something in there) with my old suitcase dropping on it a couple years back and NEVER saw a doctor for it, even though i had a bubble filled with blood on top of my foot the size of a golf ball and an aching pain that hurt even when my light sheet would rub across it, but i handled that.  LOL! 

Who knows, we'll just have to see, i'm just gonna pray that I stay strong and don't freak out or complain much at all.  :)