Friday, January 15, 2010

Syntrax Matrix Perfect Chocolate Protein Powder

Okay, THANK Goodness for the makers of this stuff.  Totally not disgusting protein powder!  I HAD to give a BIG mention about this.  Only because after searching through countless products and trying many of them, not to mention, spending money on them after they are now sitting unopened in my closet or opened and sealed because they are nasty, this is one product i swear by!  It's so tasty.  I also bought the cookies n' cream (which is personally not my favorite flavor), they also have vanilla, chocolate as you see (this is my favorite so far), orange cream, strawberry and banana's n' cream.  I plan on getting the banana's n' cream one soon because I know i love banana's so that might be a tasty treat.

By all mean, BUY this protein powder before you try anything else.  The best part is they sell it here in town and not only that but they sell it for a low price of only $19.99 for a 2lb jug!  Woo hoo!!!

A BIG thumbs up to Syntrax Matrix Perfect Chocolate Protein Powder!
