Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Body Fortress - VANILLA!

Just to make a note:

I bought the body fortress whey protein "vanilla" (they were out of chocolate) from wal-mart the other day.  I tried it first with water.  YUCK! Hard to deal with.

Two days ago, i tried it with 1% milk.  YUMMY! Tasted great! It's kind of sweet tasting though, even though there is VERY little sugar in it.  Hopefully I can handle it after surgery.  I will be buying soy milk though because I don't want to get sick off of the "milk sugar" that comes in regular cow's milk.  Hopefully i can handle soy milk.  :)

Oh, the best part is it was only $15. 

I plan to buy the chocolate kind tomorrow when i head to wal-mart again to pick up a few odds and ends for after surgery, if they don't have the chocolate, i'll buy the strawberry, don't want to be stuck with ONE flavor and become bored. 

Oh yes, and in case you can't see what it says, in only TWO scoops of this stuff i will have drank 52g of protein.  I need about 52 - 60g's per day so this will be MUCHO helpful.  :)