Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day of Surgery...

Today is SURGERY day! I am excited to get my little pouch of a tummy after nearly 3 days of pure torture, couldn't eat food for almost 3 days! Only clear liquids! I feel my tummy trying to eat me alive! Lol!

Yesterday i had to drink that magnesium citrate junk and let me tell ya, i have NEVER tasted anything so awful before in my life. I felt like i drank 10 ounces of pure salt water, added with LOTS of extra salt. Just drinking that salty crap i gained 2 lbs in a matter of hours but after spending most of the day on the toilet i have now lost a total of 8lbs. Yay, but still dealing with the aftermath of that stuff i drank today - the day of surgery.

Eating nothing for so long causes your brain to kind of "take a break" can't seem to remember much anything these last two days, been a bit foggy-headed.

Thanks to everyone for your kind wishes and prayers. I really appreciate it. I will do my best to blog when i can but not sure i will be allowed my phone in the hospital. Boo!! Lol!
