Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Pre-Op diet time!!!

Only clear liquids  from here on out until surgery day which is in two days! Can't believe time has gone by so fast! It's just amazing!

Not sure what fasting for two days feels like but i am about to find out! Lol!

I have been so ready for this, eating my last REAL meal tonight made it that much more real. I drove home thinking about what i sadly always seem to think about "what to eat tomorrow" but soon that was scratched out because i realized all i get is clear liquids. Lol!!! Yikes!

I am already parched and want to drink something but know i will only be thirsty for more and i am already in bed. Dont want to have to wake up mid-nighttime and have to use the bathroom. So i will deal with it.

Got the 5 wishes form in the mail and filled it out, and if i might express some thoughts and observations... i am sorry but if it says leave all that apply alone and cross out any of the things listed you DON'T want done and one option is "if i have bowel movement problems and/or i have a bowel movement or if i urinate while being treated and i am unable to care for myself i wish to be cleaned and have my linens replaced." two things;one, why would anyone cross that out and want to lay in their pooand pee and two, really!? Why is this question on here? I mean if doctors and nurses in hospitals are leaving patients in their own poop and pee wouldnt that hospital be out of business by now? Lol!

I kind of laughed at the second part to this next question and my response to it that i didnt write down but said aloud cuz i was kind of joking. Question one: "when u die, circle which one u would want to be done with your body: buried or cremated" i circled "buried". THOUGHT: How do i circle this WHEN i die? Lol! Question two: "where would u like your remains?" my answer "in the ground" lol!! So i really put the name of the cemetary but laughed when i read that and thought of my imediate answer. Lol

Well off to bed now, goodnight everyone! :)



Dr. Monash said...

Hope all goes well with your surgery. If you are looking for any post-op support feel free to use my site as a resource.