Friday, October 30, 2009

Appropriate for Halloween

I just wanted to say that I cannot wait until next Halloween when i'll actually be able to (assuming i'm approved for surgery) go to a Halloween costume store and regardless of their OUTRAGEOUS prices, buy a halloween costume that will FIT me.  :)

For now, it's just face paint.  That's a one size fits all kinda thing.  I'm cool with it.  :) For now...

Oh and parents are bring the video camera to sisters Halloween part tomorrow and sister wants to take pics.  Whoa! Not something I'll miss.  I hate being in a picture much less a video tape! AHH!

Those days of hiding will soon be over.  :)

Goodnight and HAPPY HALLOWEEN to everyone! :)

Update - Called Insurance

Today, I made a call to my insurance company to find out where it is I send the reimbursement form for the psych evaluation so I can get all or SOME of the $200.00 that I spent back.  I talked to a very nice girl, who sounded about my age named, Robin. 

I was really glad that I had her on the phone and not some inconsiderate "i just wanna get you off the phone" kind of person. 

I asked Robin if she knew anything about what the status of my bariatric surgery was and she checked in on it for me.  What a nice girl!  :)  She said that currently, it has been received, but it's in pending status, just meaning they haven't had a change to take a look at it yet but should have an answer in 3 -5 business days.  Told me to call back on Tuesday to find out.  :)

Yay!!! I'm so excited!

Antisipating Monday

So, Monday, is ALMOST a week from when i finished everything up.  BUT, since I'm totally impatient about this surgery stuff, I am going to call my insurance company and find out if I have been approved.  I am praying that I am approved and that this is something that will happen fast, as i feel like my life is currently on hold until AFTER surgery.

Was reading a friends' blog about protein drinks, she was smart to look into protein drinks that taste "ok" rather than DISGUSTING like most BEFORE surgery so she didn't have to deal with throwing up after tasting a rather nasty flavored one.  I might want to do this.  Although, I laughed so hard when i read that she tried "Isopure" which is great for protein because of how many grams of protein it has 40g in one bottle.  Although it would take a full day to drink. LOL!  I laughed because she tasted one and said that for lack of losing her hair she wanted to maintain her protein intake well, which i totally agree with, but said that Isopure tasted so bad she's rather go bald before drinking anymore of that stuff.  WOW!  That bad huh?  Ha,ha!! That's so funny.

I ready to find out if I'm at least "approved" so i can be happy and feel assured that I'll be good to go.  Then of course, as i NORMALLY am, I'll then have something else to be impatient about.  BUT, at least I'll be able to tell everyone that I was approved and then I'll be able to find out when my surgery date will be.  So many people to tell about my surgery date when i get it.

So...I am off to get some lunch.  :)  Ttyl!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Doctor's Clearance Letter & Psych Evaluation

Hey hey everyone! So GREAT news!  I went to see the Dr. and she hesitantly gave me the letter for clearance for surgery but she still did it.  Thanks GOODNESS!!! Said it was because I was in good health other than being overweight and that she wouldn't necessarily "recommend" this surgery to someone like me who doesn't suffer from diabetes.

Okay, i understand that, but I also understand that if i keep up with the way i'm going i'm going to end up with one of those things and I would assume that people get this surgery to help PREVENT that from happening.

Anyways, i then went to see the Dr. for my psych evaluation who COMPLETELY without my saying so, said exactly what i was thinking.  That this is a surgery to help you lose weight and keep it off, as well as help people get become healthy so they don't have other factors that cause them problems in the future.  DUH!!! That's what i was saying all this time. LOL!

Thank you Psych Eval Dr!  She was a very nice lady.

All this time, because I have had depression problems in the past was worried about if i would pass this psych eval to be quite honest.  BUT, she said I was actually an EXCELLENT candidate for this surgery.  Made me soo happy.

She just asked like what the cause of my depression was from, and i was totally honest.  I said I was in a very bad relationship that was abusive verbally and physically and my ex would make rude remarks about my weight.  When i told her that i had gone to see a doctor for the depression but all they did really was give me depression medicine, i laughed because she said "well doctors don't understand WHY we are depressed they just try to 'treat' it.  Which is by medicine.  Depression medicine.  Which sometimes makes us worse.  Really, in situations like yours all you really needed to do to fix your depression was to get rid of the REAL problem..." i laughed and said "yeah HIM!" and that i did do THANKFULLY!  Although it was 4 1/2 years later i'd rather it be later than never.  :)

So she said she was going to give the information to the people who deal with my file and within 24 hours they will have everything processed and they will send it over for approval from my insurance company.

So now i just wait.  It seems like a long wait, but i'm trying to be patient.  Although it's really hard to be because i'm sooo excited I want it to be here already.  I'm sure i'll get nervous RIGHT before surgery but right now, i just wanna know that I can get this done.  I want it to be REAL.  :)

Thanks to all who prayed and supported me through this... and THIS is still ongoing.  Thanks for all your support.  :)

LOL!!! On a side note...David (my fiance) made me laugh earlier, he said "babe, i will save you money, let me get a butter knife, fork and tongs and i'll do the surgery for you!" LOL!!! YEAH RIGHT!
This picture totally made me laugh out loud when i saw it.... what a coincidence!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Helpful Hints... post surgery

Helpful Hints

  1. Chew your food to a mushy consistency.  Do not swallow chunks of food. 
  2. Never skip meals.  Eat three small means (Meal = 1-2 ounce serving size) daily to ensure adequate nutrition. 
  3. Drink 8 cuts of fluid per day to prevent dehydration.
  4. Sit up straight while eating and always eat at the table.  Avoid talking and watching TV while eating. 
  5. Eat slowly, enjoy the flavor, texture and consistency of foods. 
  6. Stop eating prior to feeling full; overeating may cause discomfort, vomiting and diarrhea.  
  7. Avoid eating and drinking at the same time because this may cause vomiting.  Start sipping fluids slowly 15-30 minutes after a meal and stop drinking 15-30 minutes before the next meal.
  8. Measure your foods - remember your stomach pouch can only hold one ounce.
  9. Use a small plate or saucer to give the impression of having more on your plate than there really is.
  10. Remember - if you eat too much too fast you may experience vomiting or dumping syndrome.
  11. Always eat protein foods first.  Refer to the protein needs chart for your individual goal.
  12. Limit sugar and fat intake.
  13. Avoid alcohol for 6 - 12 months. 
  14. Take your Iron and Multivitamin together if you would like, but never take either of those WITH you calcium.  It will cause you to lose most of the nutrients that you need.  Calcium should be taken separately.  
 Follow these guidelines for avoiding specific foods:

Food/Beverage                                                                Length of time to avoid
Fresh fruits & vegetables                                                                  1 - 2 months
Bread, pasta and/or rice                                                                    3 -4 months
Alcohol                                                                                                    6 - 12 months

The number one reason why people gain their weight back after surgery is due to them drinking and eating at the same time (consuming fluids with their food) or making poor food choices that are high in sugars and fat.  

Vitamin-Mineral Supplementation Following Gastric Bypass Surgery

Vitamin-mineral supplementation is important now that you are unable to consume enough food to meet 100% of the DRI's (Dietary Reference Intakes).  The DRI's chart is provided for you to review and compare to your multivitamin-mineral label.  Below are the recommendation for vitamin/mineral supplementation after your GBS (Gastric Bypass Surgery).

Take two chewable vitamins daily for the first month.  Take them at separate times of the day (morning and night).  After the bottle is finished, take two of Dr. Felix's (or whatever your doctor gives to you if you didn't see Dr. Felix) vitamins daily.

Should be in the form of calcium citrate.  Chewable form for the first month.  

Take one a day for the first month until bottle is finished.   



Your Protein Needs


Height:                              Protein Grams Needed Daily:
4'8                                                        42-46
4'9                                                        43-47
4'10                                                      44-48
4'11                                                      45-50
5'0                                                        46-51
5'1                                                        48-53
5'2                                                        50-55
5'3                                                        52-57
5'4                                                        55-61
5'5                                                        57-63
5'6                                                        59-65
5'7                                                        61-67
5'8                                                        64-70
5'9                                                        66-73
5'10                                                      68-75
5'11                                                      71-78
6'0                                                        73-80
6'1                                                        75-83
6'2                                                        77-85

Height:                       Protein grams needed daily:  
5'0                                                        48-53
5'1                                                        51-56
5'2                                                        54-59
5'3                                                        56-62
5'4                                                        59-65
5'5                                                        62-68
5'6                                                        65-72
5'7                                                        67-74
5'8                                                        70-77
5'9                                                        73-80
5'10                                                      76-84
5'11                                                      78-86
6'0                                                        81-89
6'1                                                        84-92
6'2                                                        86-95
6'3                                                        89-98
6'4                                                        92-101
6'5                                                        95-105
6'6                                                        97-107

Excess protein is not advised and can lead to kidney failure, liver failure, and calcium loss from bones.  You are also at greater risk for dehydration because it takes a tremendous amount of water to break down protein.  Stick with your individual goal and don't go overboard!



A little stressed about tomorrow...

Tomorrow is the day i finish it all up.  I have butterflies in my tummy because I'm sooo excited.  Thus, on the down side of things, i have no idea how my doctor will react to my wanting gastric bypass or if she'll say okay to writing the clearance letter.  It's merely just a statement actually.  It's not even required by the surgeon he's already approved me, but it IS required by my insurance.  Anthem Blue Cross.

The doctor appointment is tomorrow at 8:45am, then I have the psych evaluation tomorrow as well but at 11am.  I'm less worried about that.  I know i don't have any eating disorders to worry about other than that of overeating.

Then PRAYING that all goes well and everything is a smooth process.  They submit my paperwork to my insurance and we wait.  Once i get an approval from them, i contact Dr. Felix's office and they call me back with my surgery date.  Ohhh.... sooo excited.

Never has one ever been so excited for SURGERY.  I mean, yes, people get surgery all the time, and believe me...i bet it's something they dread.  I, on the other hand, although going under the "knife" and getting surgery for the FIRST time in my life, it's to SAVE my life.  Help me become healthy again and to teach me to eat right and better for the sake of all things.  I will be so happy once it's all over with.

Granted, i have been forewarned.  Everyone tells me that right after surgery you will complain or at least panic and say to yourself "OhMyGoodness! What have i done to myself?" and wonder what on Earth you were thinking, but after day three you'll start feeling better.

I've also been warned that one must DEFINITELY bring ear plugs to the hospital with them as a NECESSITY.  A friend of mine had the surgery and couldn't sleep a wink in the hospital due to the IV machines expiring and making a HORRIBLE beeping sound.  Something i cannot handle.  I can't sleep with the TV on, much less a repetitive and annoying beeping noise. 

So, if you are considering surgery or in the process.....

consider yourself warned as well.  :)

If i may make one last request from my friends/family:  Can you please pray for me tomorrow?  I will be so worried and I need to have a sound mind.  I need to be able to go into the Doctor's office and get what i need to get THAT day.  Without having to wait a week or more for her to fax over a "sentence" on a piece of paper.  Please pray.  I really need your prayers for tomorrow.

Thanks so much to all of you who are such wonderful people in my life, friends, all know who you are.  If you are reading this ARE one of those people.  :)

Take care,

Thoughts on what i just blogged about...

I'm starting to realize something.... i almost NEVER drink water.  It just so boring and bland to me.  Course, when i don't feel good, i'll drink water.  Afterwords, i'll start feeling better.

Considering that water is the key source to carrying nutrients through the body and disposing of waste in your body, i must be having some big issues going on in this tummy of mine.  LOL! I laugh but i'm actually serious.  I drank some water just now because I thought, why not give this a try.  It's actually good.  Refreshing.  Now, don't you want some water?  You know you want some water, go get some and drink up! :)

Water is GOOD!

Just some good information for after WLS....

Food serves as an important vehicle for taking nutrients into the body.  Food is broken down into specific nutrients that the body requires.  These nutrients are called carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

  • Protein - helps build, maintain and repair body tissue (always eat your protein first). 
  • Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) - provide energy.  Eat more complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and fruits/vegetables.  Avoid simple sugars.
  • Fat - provide energy - plant sources are best such as; vegetable oil, canola oil, olive oils (oils). 
  • Water - supports all body functions.  It carries nutrients through the body and removes waste.
Protein and water will be the most important nutrients you consume after your surgery.  Insufficient protein intake may result in hair loss, muscle wasting, general weakness, brittle nails, poor wound healing and an inability to fight off infections.  A lack of fluid can result in dehydration. 

Digestion: Before and After Gastric Bypass Surgery

I'm just going to go ahead and skip back a few steps in my pamphlet that i have here from the nutritionist.  It's important to know this stuff.  So i thought i would share, not only for myself but also for everyone else considering GB or those who has already had the procedure.  :)

How does normal digestion work? 

Digestion starts in the stomach, which receives chewed and swallowed food.  Typically the stomach stores food for up to four hours and initiates digestion by breaking down protein and killing bacteria with strong acidic gastric juice.  From here, it moves into the first part of the small intestine.  The duodenum functions to break down food into simple nutrients and adsorb a variety of nutrients, including iron and calcium.  The next stop is the jejunum, which functions to absorb our nutrients.  Digestion continues in the ileum and finishes in the large intestine with bowel movement.  

How will digestion work after the surgery?

By creating a small pouch in the stomach and reattaching the jejunum to this pouch, food intake is significantly reduced and the duodenum is bypassed.  As explained above, the main function of the duodenum is digestion and absorption of iron and calcium.  Therefore, it's important to chew food thoroughly and take vitamin and mineral supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies of these nutrients.

What is Dumping Syndrome? (occurs only for bypass patients)

Dumping Syndrome is caused by stomach contents moving too rapidly through the small intestine.  Your body compensates by sending fluids from the bloodstream to dilute the food causing a rapid decrease in the volume of circulating blood and a rapid increase of fluid in the intestine.  Symptoms include:

  • Feeling Faint
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Rumbling stomach
  • Weakness
  • Rapid pulse
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
To prevent dumping syndrome, it is recommended that you avoid consuming foods with high sugar and fat content, eat more slowly, and allow 15-30 minutes between consuming solids and fluids.  The following foods may cause dumping syndrome and should be avoided:

  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Syrup
  • Jam/Preserves
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Pudding
  • Cake
  • Pie
  • Cookies
  • Donuts
  • Sherbet
  • Fruit Yogurt
  • Frozen Yogurt
  • Ice Cream
            • Milkshake

Gastric Bypass Diet - Stage 2 (Days 5-8) - FULL LIQUIDS!

Gastric Bypass Diet - Stage 2 (Days 5-8)
Full Liquids

This diet provides foods that are easy to consume and digest.  It is recommended that you continue to consume foods that are at room temperature, caffeine-free, non-carbonated and sugar-free to avoid discomfort.  You will be on the full liquid diet approximately 2-3 days.

Per the Nutritionist, SOME foods are best cold.  They help sooth the stomach and cooler foods are less smelly which help with nausea.

*NOTE: You may not be able to tolerate milk or milk products following a gastric surgery due to the lactose (milk sugar).  If you have complaints of gas, bloating or diarrhea after drinking milk, remove from your diet for now.  You may introduce it slowly after 3-4 months and check for intolerance.

MEAL IDEA.....**Mix protein supplements into beverages or broth / Mix non-fat dairy milk powder into cereals or soups for extra protein. 

What you can & cannot eat/drink, the stages per Nutritionist...Stage 1 CLEAR LIQUIDS!

This is the diet that is recommend by Dr. Felix's office 5 - 7 days after surgery, it was in a pamphlet that was given to us in the nutrition class.  Thought it might even be helpful for those of you who are "considering" surgery or for those of you who have already had surgery but were not sure EXACTLY what you are allowed to drink/eat.

Gastric Bypass Diet - Stage 1 (Days 5 - 7)
Clear Liquids

This diet is recommended to allow healing time and permit a gradual return to semi-solid foods.  You will be on the clear liquid diet for approximately 5-7 days, your physician may advance you after 5 days if you are tolerating it well.  It is necessary to consume 6-8 cups of liquid a day to prevent dehydration.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just blabbing real quick....

Just wanted to know what everyone thought of my new picture on here.  It's a picture of me that I photoshop'd it was fun.  :)

I also made the whole picture with the feathers and all and the butterflies because I LOVE photoshop and I thought, why not make this blog by own.  So i decorated it.  :)

Enjoy! :)


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Continued from last...

So, we learned that overall, the gastric bypass is the best for losing weight and not regaining it.  

The lap band actually sounds a bit of like a stupid idea to me.  Only because of the fact that a LOT of patient that get the lap-band most often come back for gastric bypass because the lap band didn't help them lose the amount of weight they wanted to lose.  However, i would say that the lap band is a better option for people who are only 50 - 70 lbs overweight and just want to lose enough weight to be healthier.  

For people like myself though who need to lose 100lbs or more then gastric is the way to go.

Dr. Felix explained everything in detail.  Even ran through some of the financial stuff as well.  That was good to know. 

He also said something that made me feel better, because i always have people who have NEVER in their life been 100lbs overweight tell me that I should just go work out and eat better.  Dr. Felix explain WHY people like myself and the many others NEED gastric bypass.  

I didn't know it but there are proven facts that people who are 100lbs overweight usually have a hard time working out due to pain, but not just that, if they do succeed in losing the weight only about 15% (i think it was 15, no more than 15 I'm sure) of them will keep their weight off, the other 85% will regain their weight if not more.  

I wasn't looking for an excuse; i don't need those.  I've already used those all up.  I was looking for my answer, my reason.  I knew i wanted this surgery and I knew why.  I just felt like maybe I was the only person struggling with losing weight in the sense that i had to get gastric bypass surgery at 27 years old.  Dr. Felix cleared it up for me. 

I know that this might sound strange to some people, especially those that are not fat.  When i would go places like just in general, lets say like a doctor's office just for a routine checkup or something, I was usually the only REALLY overweight person there.  Other than maybe one other person.  I kept thinking that people were staring at the rolls on my stomach.  Or trying to guess how much i weighed.  

When i went to the Advanced Bariatric Center of Fresno, CA I walked in so confident.  Happy as a clam.  Thinking to myself "FINALLY a place where NO one will judge me for my weight." and no one did.  In fact, just about every person in that place was SUPER nice.  All the patients in the waiting room were friendly and happy people.  Including me.  

I had a guy sitting next to me in both of the classes that Dr. Felix kept picking on.  I felt so bad for him.  Dr. Felix didn't mean to pick on him, he was just kind of setting himself up for being picked on.  Although, i thought it was kind of rude.  I asked David when we left what he thought, David said "oh he didn't get his feelings hurt, it's okay." Apparently girls are just much more sensitive.  But i think David was wrong, i really think that this poor guy (just like myself and the rest of the people there) was so good at hiding his feelings that he just laughed it off like it didn't bother him, but i KNOW it had to hurt.  I wanted to give the poor guy a hug and tell him it's okay.  :( 

I went to TCBY the other day with David.  I laughed as i took my last bit of my frozen yogurt with heath bar topping and said to David "well, no more TCBY! Goodbye TCBY! Goodbye!" LOL! 

It's actually like a whole new beginning for me.  In fact, it is.  
I tried to imagine myself today with a small 1 ounce pouch for a stomach and as I took a "small" drink of water i realized, i actually used to GULP drinks.  I took a bite of food.  I really DON'T chew my food well.  Something i need to start working on today.  

It's amazing how hard is actually is to chew your food thoroughly.  I need to start learning NOW because God forbid i get this surgery done and accidentally swallow something without chewing it up enough and like the nutritionist said her motto is: "What doesn't go down, MUST come up!" i don't want to be there. 

Great! Just lovely!  I think I'm getting sick.  This can't be happening.  NOT before surgery.   Granted, i don't know when surgery is yet, but I hope i'm not sick for a long time with a cough that lasts me up to 4 weeks like they have in the past. 

Well, i'm going to go eat some dinner and learn how to eat slowly and CHEW, CHEW, CHEW.  LOL!  

Goodnight all! I'll write more later.  :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First day meeting Dr. Felix and attending the classes...

Hey! So, wow, I'm not even sure where to start.  Yesterday, Tuesday, the 20th of October was the first day I went to the Advanced Bariatric Center of Fresno, CA to meet with Dr. Felix to find out if he thinks I'm a good candidate for surgery and what not. 

I got there, a little bit confused honestly about what exactly I was suppose to do.  LOL!  I asked the girl, Lupe, at the front desk what exactly I needed to do and she said "have a seat, the nutrition class is at 9am, you'll be going into that class first, it's about an hour and a half long." I was there at about 8:30am.  

Brooke tried to warn me about how to get there and that I might want to call to get directions since it's quite confusing.  I'll admit, i said "okay" but in my head thought, "i think i'll be alright" it's the stubborn side of me i suppose.  Well, David and I were on our way there and oh my gosh, i even used the "maps" on my iphone.  It tells me to turn down "Birch" street.... (lol, sorry laughing at myself typing birch and ACCIDENTALLY typing the name wrong... i'm sure you know what happened...LOL!), so i turn into this residential area. I'm thinking "how could the place possibly be here..." David and I were laughing I said "Wow, Brooke was SOO right, I'm REALLY lost! Even my iphone is lost!"  Finally we take a turn down a road to try and find our way OUT of the crazy mixed up residential area and David yells "Advanced Bariatric!" i was like "WHERE!?" YAY!!! We found, well David FOUND it.  HAHA! I arrive! 

There were only about four people in the waiting room total.  At 9am, we go into a small room filled with about 20 chairs (that's a guess), and as the people come in, the room becomes filled.  All 20 chairs.  Neat!  

David was bored out of his poor mind, but being since I'll be eating the stuff and trying to "survive" so to speak, i was TOTALLY intrigued with what the nutritionist had to say.  Although, he admitted he learned a few things about what's NOT good to eat, and it was MOSTLY ALL the stuff he eats DAILY.  LOL!  I was laughing at him.  It's like I eat veggies and he eats brownies....yet, i gain the weight.  What gives!? 

I went in to see Dr. Felix after the nutritional class.  It was really quite funny because I was expecting this nice, calm and caring doctor to come in.  Amazingly, LOL and not that he's a bad man, but a very BRASSY man.  Like hard-core.  To the point and no BS accepted.  

I was planning to get my labs done yesterday along with everything else, but when i saw Dr. Felix and tried to tell him i would do the Seminar next Tuesday he looked at me funny, gave me a stern look and said "The seminar is today at 1:30..", i said "well can i come next Tuesday to that because I haven't ate anything today?" he smiled kind of sly-ish like he was about to say something that would SHOCK me...and said "ever heard of FAST-food?, see you at 1:30 today for the Seminar!" and handed me a slip to give to the receptionist saying I was good to go and that i would be attending the Seminar TODAY... LOL!! 

I did, David enjoyed that the most over the two classes we attended.  

I have SOOO much more to say.  BUT, i'm SUPER tired and trying to watch a movie on TV with David so i will update more on this tomorrow.  :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This is just because....

It's raining like crazy outside today, this is more rain than i think i've seen all year just in ONE day.  LOL!  I love it! 

It's nice to have rain like this, when you're indoors of course, but outdoors - not-so-much!  LOL! 

Last night, i was in a "downer" mood.  Not sure why.  Feelings were just all over the place.  I guess it's because I miss home.  I miss my cat.  I miss my own bed. 

I literally woke up every hour last night and it took me about 30 - 60 minutes each time to go to sleep so sometimes i was awake for almost two hours.  It was ridiculous.  I don't know why i couldn't sleep.  I woke up this morning, totally exhausted and just no energy.  I also woke up with a stiff back, i think it's because i'm on a different bed other than my own at my grandparents house.  So all day, while sitting in the chair or walking around i've had this horrible stiff back issue that's driving me crazy. 

I need a massage. more thing i can look forward to when i lose weight.  There is NO way i'll ever go get a massage from someone public at the weight i'm at now.  haha 

I also miss Lucky and Ollie (my fiance's cats) i haven't been over much to see them.

Goodness, i have the screen door closed but the slider door open right now and not to change subject but it sounds like it's going to flood out there or something.  Craziness! 

I need knew windsheild wipers...haha well hopefully it won't be this bad tomorrow night when i drive home.  It's about 30 minutes away from home so i'll have a long drive with crappy windsheild wipers.

And, i think i'm done blabbing on and on now.  :) 

Take care everyone!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Called Dr. Felix's office...

Called Dr. Felix's office today. I have my consult with the doctor next Tuesday, as well as the nutritional class. Its becoming real now. I just hope that it happens fast and no more than a month to get approved. We will see though. I have to call in about a week and a half when i have $200.00 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Michelle Russell for the psych. evaluation which is mandatory.

The doctors office is sending me paperwork to fill out and i am suppose to bring it to my appointment with me next Tuesday the 20th.

I am excited! :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The only bad thing...

The only bad thing about this surgery is the money i will have to spend to have it done. I will have to stay home for about a month and not go to David's every day like i used to, so i will misd Lucky and Ollie. David can still come visit me though but at least i will be able to save an extra $100 every two weeks in gas money so i can save up for the $200 psych. eval thats mandatory and the $500 up front for meds and the doctor fee and for any counseling needed. :)

Other than that i am excited. I am a LITTLE nervous about getting surgery done but hey, its okay and its totally worth it!

-- Post From Stephanie's iPhone 


I'm starting to get impatient and totally excited, well i was always excited but impatient is more it.  I just want it to happen already so i can be happy again.  I'm happy, but not the "happy" that i want to be.  I have a phone call to make tomorrow to Dr. Felix, and then i'm sure since the Seminar's are on Tuesdays they will have me attend the seminar this tuesday.  Which is fine.  The more information i can get, the better off i'll be. 

Let's get the party started already! LOL!!!

I was thinking about how they have to staple your stomach up after the surgery and I was like "i wonder what that will be like?" I've never had surgery before in my life.  I wonder if i'll be sore.  If i'll be able to walk around and sit down without my stomach hurting. I know, weird thoughts, but hey, it crossed my mind! LOL!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Contacted the Advanced Bariactric Centers...

Well, I noticed i could call or email them, so i emailed them. Hopefully i'll hear back soon. I'll keep you posted. Bascially, this is what their website says about how it will all go:

When you call or contact us, we will ask a few questions to determine if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. If you qualify, you will be sent a booklet and forms to fill out. Please bring these with you to your first visit. In addition you will be given information on upcoming seminars. It is mandatory that you attend our educational seminar, either before your visit or before your surgery. The purpose of the seminar is to teach you everything you ever wanted to know about bariatric surgery and more.
At your first visit, you will meet one of our doctors, who will perform a history and pysical to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. Certain tests will be ordered according to your own medical needs. After your visit you may be asked to see a psychologist, if this is required by your insurance. Other studies, such as endoscopy or a sleep study may be ordered if indicated. Once all the information is gathered, it will be submitted to your insurance company. Then we wait for approval.
Once you are approved, you will be notified by phone of your approval and a surgery date will be set. This takes from 2- 8 weeks depending on your insurance company, sometimes even longer if your company is difficult.
After your surgery date is set, a pre-op appointment will be given. At this visit, another brief exam will be performed and you will have more teaching and any questions you have will be answered. Doctor Felix will go over your record and talk to you about your upcoming surgery. Now is the time to ask anything you want. This time is yours, use it well. You will receive a bag with many items that will be important to your recovery. The staff will go over these with you. You will be given important pre-op instructions that you must follow to promote a safe surgery and recovery.
Next is your surgery. You will get to the hospital about 2 hours before the surgery start time. Surgery will usually take from 75 to 120 minutes, but you may be in the operating room at least another 30 minutes to put you to sleep and wake you up from anesthesia. Your family will wait in the waiting room and we will contact them as soon as the operation is over. You should be moved to your room about 1 to 2 hours after surgery, but occasionally longer if rooms are not ready.
After surgery, you will be started on a liquid diet and remain on this diet for one week. Most patients are in the hospital for under 48 hours after lapaoscopic gastric bypass, although some patients may go home in only one day and others may stay 3-4 days. You will not be discharged home until you are able to drink at least a liter of water per day in addition to your liquid diet. You will be up and about at the hospital as soon as anesthesia wears off. It is important that you do as much walking in the hospital and when you get home.
Your post op visit to the office will be scheduled at the pre-op visit and should be about 1 week post-op. You will also be given an appointment with our registered dietition and fitness practioner to help you prepare for your future. You will be followed at regular intervals in our office (1 week, 1 month, 3monts 6 months and yearly).
We are sure you will have many questions and we will be happy to answer them. We look forward to helping you on your way toward your new life.

First day of consideration...

Well, i've considered getting gastric bypass surgery done before. I have always thought about it, just never had the courage or knew anyone who has had the surgery before and had a good outcome. Thankfully, two weeks ago i met a lady who was very sweet named Brooke who is my new inspiration and my help through this process. She had the surgery about two months ago and has lost 35lbs so far and says it's been such a great experience.

I honestly cannot wait until i can look in the mirror and be happy with what i see. I cannot wait to not spend my days worrying about what to eat, where i dont' have to spend my money on food, rather i can spend my money on new clothes. I cannot wait til the day that I can ride rollercoasters and not walk away with bruises on my hips from not being able to fit into the seats. I cannot wait until i can go places and not have to worry about if i'll break the seat. I cannot wait until the day that i can get on exercise equipment and not worry about breaking it because i'm at the weight limit for it. I cannot wait until the day I can actually go out and have fun and not feel like people are starring at me and thinking that this FAT girl shouldn't be out seen anywhere.

I cannot wait until the day i get married and I can fit into a dress and actually say "wow, i look good". I cannot wait til the day that i can go to a job interview and not be "judged" or passed up because i'm fat. I cannot wait til the day that I can go to mall and actually shop in the "normal" stores rather than only the plus size ones, in general, i cannot wait to be able to set foot in a mall without cruel people saying things about my weight. Granted, those people will never change and they will always tease people, but I choose to be one of the ones they no longer tease.

I want to be able to go to my high school reunion and not be afraid that people will notice how fat I am and spend their time explaining how i used to be thin. I want to get back to where i was when i was in high school.

The saddest part of all, is that when i was in high school i weighed 135lbs and i still thought i was fat.

I'm getting this all out on the table, i'm thankful to have a great family that's supportive, a fiance that loves me no matter what and supports me and friends that also support me. I am also very grateful for Brooke who is the reason i'm getting this surgery. :)

Thanks everyone! :)